
Project FEED

Our youth hunger initiative exists to strengthen our existing programs for children and teenagers, which includes school pantries, backpack food resources, and other special distributions for children while working to extend applicable programming into every school district and county within west central Wisconsin.Project FEED stands for Food, Equity, Education, and Dignity.

Farm to Food Bank

This program aims to provide more fresh food to food insecure individuals by creating win-win relationship with local and regional growers. It reduces our carbon footprint and creates a more sustainable, long-term source for fresh food by shortening the food supply chain.

Operation Picnic

Take action against summer hunger with this sponsorship opportunity. Targeted youth programming helps distribute much needed food during the summer months when school meals are unavailable.


Feed My People delivers food free of charge to over 250 hunger-relief programs in 14 counties in west central Wisconsin. Sponsorship of this program will get your company logo on one of Feed My People's trucks for an agreed upon length of time.

Pop-Up Pantry Programs

Free groceries are distributed to households in need through drive-thru distributions in high need neighborhoods and communities. Food is loaded directly from the truck to the waiting vehicles of guests.Consider sponsoring multiple locations and distributions.

Empty Bowls Event

Since 2001, proceeds from Empty Bowls have helped thousands of people struggling with hunger in our communities. It is our largest annual fundraiser. More info.

Explore the opportunities available for your business to support our effort.
